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Land Survey Works

Land Survey  Service

Our sister consult, a leading Land surveying company has been Promoting since1999 in India. They have more than 15 years of Experience in Land surveying activity. The promoters have handled the prestigious projects in India like Hyundai Car projects (2500 Acres), Pench Thermal Power Station (2500 Acres), Irrigation Project in AP (1Lakh Acres),MIDC Pune (1800 Acres) and several other projects. It is our goal to produce high quality land surveys, while practicing professional ethics and accuracy that exceed those found in the industry. Our client includes civil engineers, architects, land developers, title(top500) companies, attorneys, commercial, residential and private property owners. Through our teamwork approach to projects, we make it one of our main goals to respond to our clients needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our fees for services are competitive and fair, and our method of doing business and developing relationships is honest and straightforward. We have equipped state of the art facilities which ensure timely execution of services. The skilled personnel with us ensure that the quality standards are taken care of and there is no scope for any kind of damage to the in transit. Our organization is equipped with latest surveys and survey instruments to carry out the surveys with extreme accuracy within the committed time frame. We also have a large fleet of vehicles that allow us to conduct the survey job efficiently and accurately. Our clients are regularly updated about the progress of the work, thereby, helping them to appraise the pace & progress of the work undertaken.

Different part of

Survey Services

Topographical- survey Transmission line,


Railway -Survey Boundary,

Pipeline - Setting out work, 

National highways/ state highways - Earth work volume calculation,

Layout design-Property Values.


Bacis Land

Survey Services

Cadastral SurveyGPS,

RTK, DGPS Survey

Final Location Survey,

Contour Survey,

Drawing Digitization,


Construction Land

Survey Services

Engineering Survey,

Pipeline Survey,

Topographical Survey,

Land Survey.



Road Survey,Railway Survey,Airport Road Survey,Dam Survey,Bridge Survey,

Hill SurveyRiver Survey,



The purpose of a TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY is to gather survey data about the natural and man-made features of the land, as well as its elevations. From this information a three- dimensional map may be prepared. You may prepare the topographic map in the office after collecting the field data or prepare it right away in the field by plane table. The work usually consists of the following:

1. Establishing horizontal and vertical control that will serve as the framework of the survey.

2. Determining enough horizontal location and elevation (usually called side shots) of ground points to provide enough data for plotting when the map is prepared.

3.Locating natural and man-made features that may be required by the purpose of the survey. Computing distances, angles, and elevations.

4.Topographic surveys are commonly identified with horizontal and/or vertical control of third- and lower-order accuracies.



The term route survey refers to surveys necessary for the location and construction of lines of transportation or communication that continue across country for some distance, such as highways, railroads, open-conduit systems, pipelines, and power lines. Generally, the preliminary survey for this work takes the form of a topographic survey. In the final stage, the work may consist of the following:

1.Locating the center line, usually marked by stakes at 100-ft intervals called stations.

2.Determining elevations along and across the center line for plotting profile and cross sections.

3.Computing the volumes of earthwork and preparing a mass diagram*Locating right-of-way boundaries, as well as staking out fence lines, if necessary.



As mentioned earlier in this chapter, SPECIAL SURVEYS are conducted for a specific purpose and with a special type of surveying equipment and methods. A brief discussion of some of the special surveys familiar to you follows.



LAND SURVEYS (sometimes called cadastral or property surveys) are conducted to establish the exact location, boundaries, or subdivision of a tract of land in any specified area. This type of survey requires professional registration in all states. Presently, land surveys generally consist of the following chores:

1. Establishing markers or monuments to define and thereby preserve the boundaries of land belonging to a private concern, a corporation, or the government.

2. Rerunning old land survey lines to deter- mine their lengths and directions. As a result of the high cost of land, old lines are measured to get more precise measurements.

3. Calculating areas, distances, and directions and preparing the land map to portray the survey data so that it can be used as a permanent record.

4. Writing a technical description for deeds.


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