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The kitchen is an important component of the building structures because of the fact that the kitchen is where all people derive their nutrition from, and hence their health as well. When dealing with Vastu and architecture, it becomes important to make sure that the kitchen is also designed in accordance with the principles of the Vastu that are to be followed:
1. South-east corner Location In Kitchen:
It is best if the kitchen is in the south- east corner of the house, or the corner of the house.
2. North-west Location In Kitchen:
If it is not possible to construct a kitchen on south-east, one can move to the north- western portion.
3. Electric gadgets Location In Kitchen:
there are some gadgets in the kitchen, such as the mixer or the toaster. They have to be connected in the southern wall, for this is the direction of the kitchen that is best for the element of fire.
4. Colours In Kitchen:
Try using colours to make the whole thing more colourful for you. There are four primary colours that are believed to increase a person’s health, eating habits and also calm. There are four colours that are best used for the Vastu of kitchen. The colours included blue, green, red and yellow.
5. Door Location In Kitchen:
The door of the kitchen has to face the north- eastern direction. They could also face the north or the east directions.6. Cooking: When cooking activities are being conducted, it would be the best for the lady to be facing east while cooking. This will certainly bring more prosperity and happiness to life.
7. The dining area Location In Kitchen :
The kitchen or the dining room is a really good place to have daily meals. But when one is eating in the kitchen or the daily meals, people have to make sure that they are not pointing towards the southern direction.
8. Bedroom-kitchen: It is not a smart idea to put the kitchen right next to the bedroom. If you have to put them next to each other, make sure that the wall between these two places are thick. In fact, these walls should be thicker than the other walls.
9. Gas Location In Kitchen:
When you put the gas, make sure it is in the south- eastern portion of the kitchen. Even the exhaust fan should be located on this corner or the eastern one.
10. Water Location In Kitchen:
Keep the water in the north- east portion of the kitchen, if it is drinking water. Vastu for kitchen determines that this is the safest direction for water.
Vastu Tips For Kitchen
Vastu Tips for Bed room
A bedroom in the North :
This is the ideal direction for young couples and also for storing valuables, important papers, cash, jewellery etc.
A bedroom in the North East :
This direction should not have any bedroom since it is the sacred space of the house.
A bedroom in the East :
The direction is ideal for unmarried children.
A bedroom in the South East :
The direction is not recommended for having bedroom since it is the quadrant of fire and imparts a hot temperament to those occupying it. It also leads to constant quarrels between couples and incures excessive expenditure. Children staying in this direction do not take interest in their studies and finds it difficult to get a sound sleep.
A bedroom in the South or South West :
The direction is ideal for having master bedroom and should be occupied by the head of the family. It should be larger than the other rooms. In case of a multi storeyed building, this room should always be on the top floor.
A bedroom in the West :
The direction is ideal for students. However, it increases the probability of birth of a larger number of girls in the family.
A bedroom in the North West :
The location is the best for newlywed couples.
The living room is not only the place where the family usually gather together, it is also the area where the other people come into the house. This area is powerful because it can draw a lot of outside attention to the house. However, the energy carried by the outsiders would also enter your house, so you have to make sure that you are doing all you can to draw only on their positive spirits. Here are some good concepts related to Vastu for living room.
1. Seating:
When sitting in the living room, the owner of the house has to face either the north or the east. The other members of the house, or the people who have come to visit should sit opposite to or beside the owner.
2. The north- east face:
The east and the north face of the house are of high quality. They can attract good vibrations from this (north-east) corner. Having the living room in the north- east would make sure that people are more harmonious and there is less discord in the house.
3. Telephone:
House construction in Vastu considers the south to be the direction of fire, so this is the direction where all the electronics have to be kept. If you put your telephones, TVs, etc. in the south- west direction, it will definitely be beneficial for you.
4. Flooring:
In Vastu for living room, it is considered better for the living room to be at a lower level than the rest of the house, since it can provide a good sense to the rest of the family, when compared to the guests, especially.
5. Doors:
The doors in the living room are not restricted by numbers; they are restricted by the places where they can be kept. You can keep your door in the northern direction of your house, for this is the direction that has all the magnetic control. This is what will help people to be attracted towards your house- a huge benefit for you!
6. Front facing living rooms:
If the living rooms are front facing, the north should be the most important direction, for this is the direction that would get the maximum benefits. However, the west or south facing houses will not work the same way. The latter two houses have to make sure that the living room is not a front room, but a side one or a back one.
7. Making decisions here:
One always has to be careful while sitting in the living room and discussing important things- about business or personal matters. When you are discussing such matters, you have to make sure that you are facing the north or the east. And the guests should face the south or the west. This is the seating arrangement that would certainly lead people into success.
Vastu Tips For Living room
Vastu is not a religious related matter. There is no job for machine, mantra, ritual, protective thread and conjuring games in Vastu. It is a simple science based on absolute facts. Vastu applies for all your accommodations, irrespective of rental or owned.Basically six important things which are the fundamentals of Vastu. These are the things keenly noted in the house/Factory/Office/Industry.
Plot should be Square Or Rectangle in shape.·
Keep more empty Space in North & East direction when compared to South & West directions.·
Main Entrance should be at the positive directions.·
T-Junctions should be at the positive the positive corners.
Position of the staircase both at internal & external.
North-East Should be at lower level as against South-West, which should taller comparatively.